Welcome to the Landing Zone for forays into another country, a creative works country populated largely by gentle beings of a collective mind. And sure, here is warfare for our virtual reality offers authenticity; however, the aim is to gather scattered consciousness into baskets for weaving into threads of the mind – peace, sisters and brothers, toward peace.

  Expect hawking (pitching sales) of books, periodicals and music; we survive in a cacophony of energy exchange systems and among them, unfortunately high on the totem, is money – scratch, bucks, lucre (filthy or otherwise).

 New slices from pies fresh from the oven will be available weekly or daily as the muse inspires, in short videos and printed lines of poetry and/or narrative.

 Welcome, and if you, fellow traveler, have snippets of creative fare please send samplings to us to possibly share alongside our own scatterings:


 Introduction to our recent book project:

Conscious Scattering of dust: echoes and more is a compilation of old, revised, and new poems "toward a complete anthology" of the author's poetry. First publication launched on September 18, 2021 although official release date was October 2021. Digital sales and paperback books are available here.



Available Now! First Edition of our quarterly





Forward to Conscious scattering of dust


Truth escapes us.

We paw at its periphery, discern vague shapes of a face. But ever will truth elude us, is beyond our finite grasp.

This revelation does not mean we should cease trying to find what is true, however, as searching for the core of life's reality is a constant thread in our being, in all our experience.

How is truth related to time and space?

All are realities of existence, of life defined beyond egg and sperm notions we fragile things on earth imagine.

And if we were more aware, would we realize the spark within our dust is not frail and fragile at all, but is that alpha and omega which survives. 

cdf, 2021




Conversations linking souls in passage

U.S. plains to China

                                  the wide ocean

connection to sands of long ago


We are more than unheard cries at night, who

come in pain and agonize upon the rack a spell

before falling into a frigid sea

                                                   We have shed our cloaks

upon the forest floor

celebrated in redwood groves

danced circles above the wind

                                                     lives filled, overflowed

with visions of ages past, ages yet to be

and the orphan has shared bread with us, may

recall our names on return to castles

                                                                     beyond time


Crowds suckle on the earth, and

all are brothers, sisters

                                       yet how few the intimate

sprinkled upon corners of the world

To this family

are these words

this scattering

of dust


      cdf, 1990 (revised 2021)


Introduction to Readings


Coming before you to entertain

yet not as entertainer


To educate

yet not as teacher


To prophecy

yet not as prophet


Offering synthesis, pallet of color

splashed into vinettes

                                        some ripped from heart and soul

some come as rain from heaven falling

gentle, easy into buckets


From crossing of mountains

and highways and seas


Through kind fate

cruel karma

life, a speckled journey


And whatever seeds of passion we sow

to share them

that's what I know

what I care

cdf, 1990 (rev. 2021)




Conscious Scattering of Dust: echoes and more

9.99 print book

.60 sales tax

6.99 shipping and handling USA Media Mail

total 17.58


Conscious Scattering of Dust: echoes and more

6.99 digital edition

.42 sales tax

total 7.41


      - Digital version will be sent to you by email.

      - If ordering paperback, please provide mailing address.


Or pay by check/money order here:

Earth and Sky Enterprises, P.O. Box 5, Wilmot, SD 57279


Earth and Sky Enterprises ~ P.O. Box 5, Wilmot, SD 57279 USA ~ 605.938.4452 ~ email earthskyweb@cs.com